Level 6 - Graduate Diploma in IT

The Professional Graduate Diploma in IT is for students who are dedicated to progressing in the IT industry and looking to gain in-depth knowledge and expertise. There are no core modules at PGD level - instead you can choose any four of the optional modules available .

Level 6 - Professional Graduate Diploma  in IT is equivalent to a  BSc honours degree. It provides a route to postgraduate study (MSc level) at many UK universities and around the world.
 Optional Modules - Choose four
  • Advanced database management systems
  • Computer services management
  • IT and the environment
  • Management information systems
  • Network information systems
  • Programming paradigms
  • Software engineering 2
  • System design methods
  • Web engineering

Professional IT Project:  
You'll also need to produce a 10,000-word professional IT project to complete your Professional Graduate Diploma in IT.

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