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SQL for Data Analysis

SQL for Data Analysis

Professional Certificate in Data Analysis

What's included?

  • Course Information

  • Delivery format: Online self-paced
  • Target Audience: Professional, Students, anyone interested in enhancing their data analysis skills


 SQL for Data Analysis is a comprehensive course aimed at imparting essential SQL skills for data analysis, responding to the rising demand in the business world. It offers a deep dive into SQL, from the basics to more complex aspects, with an emphasis on practical applications and real-world examples. This course is a vital stepping stone for aspiring data analysts and data scientists, given SQL's central role in data extraction and manipulation in the broader data pipeline. In essence, it's a practical and valuable course for anyone aiming to apply SQL in data-driven decision-making

Course Outline

  • Introduction to the role and significance of SQL in data analysis.
  • Understanding the fundamental concepts of SQL.
  • Learning SQL syntax and its application.
  • Exploration of various data types used in SQL.
  • Navigation of Data Definition Language (DDL) for defining and modifying database structures.
  • Application of Data Manipulation Language (DML) for managing data.
  • Controlling data access with Data Control Language (DCL).
  • Implementing SQL constraints to maintain data accuracy and reliability.
  • Utilization of SQL operators for data operations.
  • Creation of SQL expressions for data evaluation.
  • Leveraging SQL aggregation for statistical data calculations.
  • Understanding SQL joins for combining data from multiple tables.
  • Working with SQL views to simplify complex queries and enhance data security.
  • Step-by-step guide to installing SQL Server Express.
Practical demonstration of learned SQL concepts for real-world data analysis
Meet the instructor

Patrick Jones

Patrick Jones is a content marketing professional since 2002. He has a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing and a Bachelors in Education and has been teaching marketing strategies for over 15 years in Chicago. Patrick enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop their marketing abilities.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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